Year-Round Content & Messaging Reminders

March is Women’s History Month, and March 8 was International Women’s Day. I hope I don’t need to convince you to honor and celebrate women in your organization this month. I feel/felt the same way last month regarding African-American Heritage Month. BUT, as much as I appreciate the respective communication and storytelling in both months, I hope they serve as reminders to acknowledge, celebrate, and honor the talent supporting and driving your organization year-round - not just in those respective months. Your organization has talent that is diverse and interesting in not only work experience, but also, and more importantly, perspective and vision. Share it, acknowledge it, honor it 365 days a year. 

So if March helps you and your organization bring greater awareness to female talent, I’m here for it.

Here’s something to consider for content this month, and every month moving forward:

The swell of information and content to acknowledge a culture conversation - like female-driven content for March - is important to honor this month, BUT your monthly content calendars should always be diverse in messaging to honor your team and business AND to reach your clients or potential clients; there should be diversity in experience, perspective, age, race, and gender featured every month. Yes, give it a little extra boost in months where it’s a cultural conversation, but you should always look at your content ‘mix’. A good question to ask: How do we showcase 360 degrees of our people, our organization, our products/services every month?


Feature Women


How to Start the Conversation About Mission, Vision & Values, #Hashtags for Equal and Equitable User Experience, A Manifesto for Spring & James Hong’s SAG speech