Talking About a Phenomenon Every Human Experiences

Leadership Coach Drew Chin of Attuned To and I sat down recently (and virtually via IG Live) to talk about a phenomenon that every human on the planet experiences at some point - imposter syndrome.

Let’s catch you up on my five favorite aha! moments from that conversation:

  1. The key thing about imposter phenomenon is that we make up stories about ourselves. These stories are false narratives that we believe - and others don’t.

  2. Imposter syndrome wasn’t always called that. It was originally studied as ‘imposter phenomenon’ - phenomenon being something to be observed.

  3. You don’t really say, ‘I think I have imposter syndrome’; rather, you say, ‘I feel like I have imposter syndrome’. That language difference between ‘think’ and ‘feel’ is HUGE. It’s a ping to you that there is a deeply-rooted feeling that’s probably associated with a long-held belief or story.

  4. Your environment might be sending you clues that might make you feel like an under-valued imposter. Think about why or how your environment is structured and how that impacts you.

  5. The opposite of imposter phenomenon? Celebrating successes. Let's commit to THAT.

Pop over to IG now and watch the playback of my 30 min interview with Drew 


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